
北村助教がIEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper Awardを受賞

北村大地助教が2019 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Awardを受賞しました。授賞式は2020年5月にバルセロナで開催されるICASSP2020にて執り行われます。

受賞対象となった論文は,北村大地助教が博士後期課程で公刊した「独立低ランク行列分析(independent low-rank matrix analysis)」の提案論文です。


Daichi Kitamura, Nobutaka Ono, Hiroshi Sawada, Hirokazu Kameoka, and Hiroshi Saruwatari, "Determined blind source separation unifying independent vector analysis and nonnegative matrix factorization," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1626–1641, September 2016.


Honors the author(s) of an especially meritorious paper dealing with a subject related to the Society’s technical scope and appearing in one of the Society’s solely owned transactions, the Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, the Transactions on Computational Imaging, or the Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks and who, upon the date of submission of the paper, is less than 30 years of age.


Signal Processing Society Awardees